Tuesday, 25 January 2011

hit the g-spot.

Well we've started fashion communications, and we're to make a magazine for the good, cool, edgy folks of Galashiels. We got a name pretty quicklky, G-Spot, and it's to be based on i-D, so chuffed we got that instead of Elle, i-D gives you so much freedom to do almost whatever we fancy.
But the name G-spot has pretty saucy connatations, so to stick with the theme our magazine is all about perverts, saucyness, sex appeal but all in a very tasty, ironic and sleazy fashion.
All pretty contradicting but i'm sure we'll manage.
Here's our mock up cover we did today in CAD, yes this is me, with my top off. But it was infront of Jess and two gay boys, Ross and Kevin, so ne biggy. 
Just a rough one, we've got alot more ideas for the main one, but just an idea of where we're going.
We're also bumping i-D's wink


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

no pain, no gain.

I'm all for suffering for your art and suffering for fashion; we've all been there when we thought it'd be a super idea to buy the size 4 when you're a 5 with the plan your feet will shrink those little Chinese ladies toesys. But this poor lad, skinny little male model, rolling about in toothpicks in his undies, so what do we think about fashion and its visioneries going too far to get the perfect shot?

Hopefully someone gave the boy a brush down afterwards.